Our Programs
Our programs are built on the experience that we have gained over 37 years of helping people. We believe that housing is a human right, and by integrating case management, we help our participants address the root causes of what has led them to become homeless, or is putting them in jeopardy of losing their home.
Our services include eviction prevention, and multiple housing solutions including interim and long-term housing.
Our Services
Eviction Prevention
Eviction Prevention programs help families and singles who are experiencing a crisis and are at risk of becoming homeless. Keeping people in their home means that jobs are retained, families are fed, and children are safe. By providing one-time financial assistance for move-in and stay-in costs, we can prevent homelessness and help people take steps toward stability. Applicants must be able to substantiate a crisis that is no fault of their own, prove self-sufficiency, and have a source of income
COVID Rental Assistance
COVID Rental Assistance is a temporary program created in response to the pandemic. Some criteria have been waived in order to help prevent massive evictions.
Interim Housing
Interim housing is provided at shelters for those who have already lost their housing, and are willing to work towards self-sufficiency. People accepted at these shelters are active participants in resolving the root causes of their homelessness and receive supportive services to help them build life skills, health, and wellness in order to return to stable housing.
Long-Term Housing
Long-Term Housing programs connect families and individuals to permanent housing through tailored packages of assistance that may include time limited financial assistance and targeted supportive services. There are some programs funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that make rental units available through subleases to eligible homeless individuals or families with children. Low-Income housing is available for our low-income households. SHELTER, Inc. owns affordable housing properties, and in addition, partners with landlords throughout multiple counties.
Property Management
SHELTER, Inc. has owned and managed properties for more than 30 years. Additional scattered site master leased properties complement the full portfolio of managed properties for low-income households in Contra Costa and Solano Counties. These include:
- Pittsburg Affordable Housing Association of Pittsburg (AHAP)
- Victoria Apartments
- Sunset Apartments
- The Landings
- Mary McGovern House
- Peach Street Apartments
- Barrett Apartments
- Pittsburg Family Center
- Lyle Morris Apartments
- Broadway Project
The property team not only handles maintenance and bookkeeping, they understand the trauma and unique perspectives of our participants who have moved from homelessness into housing, their needs, and how to support their journey to self-sufficiency.
Veterans Programs
Because our Veterans have supported us, SHELTER, Inc. provides services to support them.
Homeless Veteran Reintegration Program
We offer individualized education, training, and other resources to assist homeless Veterans in achieving their employment goals. For those Veterans struggling with homelessness, we have a housing program that promotes stability and assistance with housing. With the assistance of our Veterans team members, many life sustaining resources are available to those we proudly call Veterans. For more information on this program, see HVRP Services flyer or email HVRP@SHELTERinc.org.
Support Services for Veterans Families
For Veterans who are single, head of a household, or spouse of the head of a household, who are homeless and looking to maintain permanent housing in Contra Costa County, with income less than 50% AMI and capable of sustaining permanent housing after short-term case management and/or financial assistance, see SSVF Services flyer or email SSVF@shelterinc.org
Phone number: 925.233.6941
Supportive Services for All Participants
Case Management Services
Case management services are a vital component of the wrap-around approach we take to helping our participants create a plan for success. All case managers coach their participants to overcome the root cause of their homelessness. Supportive services can include employment training and preparation, referrals for mental health and physical wellness, public benefits enrollment, and connections to community resources such as legal aid and food banks.
Employment Assistance
We offer one-on-one career development, readiness, placement, and job retention services to clients participating in our many programs. We also provide job search and career coaching workshops, transportation assistance, uniforms, and short-term/cost-effective training and certification.
Housing Search
Housing stability and self-sufficiency is the primary goal of all our programs. SHELTER, Inc. employs a Housing First approach to quickly and successfully connect individuals and families experiencing homelessness to housing without preconditions.

County Specific Services
While all of our participants are low-income, we have special programs to assist some of the traditionally under-served communities for whom housing stability is a more significant barrier. Some of these programs serve veterans, those suffering from mental health and substance use disorders or physical disabilities, survivors of domestic violence, and those re-entering society having successfully exited the state prison system.
Click on the county of your residence to see what assistance is available where you live.
Our Mission in Action

Angelo’s Story
A single dad who became homeless with his son. With the help of SHELTER, Inc. Angelo was able to move out of our shelter into his own home. With the help of his case manager he was able to find employment, affordable housing and most importantly the support he needed on his pathway to self-sufficiency.
Watch Angelo’s Video Story ›